Calculate the true profitability of Pinterest Ads It can be quite to tough to analyze the profitability of Pinterest Ads - or just marketing channels in general. Many e-commerce businesses have products with varying product margins - and revenue generated doesn’t give any clear insights into how much profit is made. At ProfitMetrics, we help e-commerce businesses solve this problem by calculating real profit of all orders and sending the data directly to marketing channels - including Pinterest. This way Gross Profit, Gross Profit after Ad Spend, POAS® and others are attributed directly to campaigns and ads - and you can assess the true profitability of ads.
Make Pinterest Ads optimize for profit and profitability Using ProfitMetrics and calculating the real profit of orders allows you to start POAS®-bidding. This means - in everyday language - you optimize for profit instead of merely revenue. This allows you to direct ad spend towards truely profitability ads and minimize ad spend for unprofitable ads wasting ad spend. You’ll be able to see profit generated down to ad-level directly inside Pinterest Ads Manager.
Performance and Profitability Dashboard for Pinterest Ads and Overall Business Alongside seing the true performance and profitability KPI’s inside the Pinterest Ads Manager, you also get acces to our comprehensive performance and profitability dashboard. Our dashboard integrates directly with your backend alongside marketing channels - and pulls data 24/7 for a reliable and accurate dashboard. Keep track of key performance and profitability metrics like profit after ad spend, blended ROAS and POAS®, Contribution Margin, net profit after recurring expenses, and much more.